Saturday, February 1, 2014

Grameenphone was the first operator in Bangladesh to introduce affordable internet Mini-pack (15MB) and we have subsequently followed it up with even more affordable bite sized micro packs (2 MB).
Now, Grameenphone has further enhanced some of its Internet mini-packs as part of the continuous efforts to serve its customers best.
From now on, Grameenphone customers will enjoy increased data volume on different internet mini-packs:
Data Pack
USSD Activation CodeSMS Activation Code
Price (BDT)Data Volume (MB)Price (BDT)Data Volume (MB)
Minipack 3 MB (P10)9399*500*10*1#9MB
Minipack 15 MB (P7)29152025*500*7*1#25MB
Minipack 99 MB (P9)999999150*500*9*1#150MB

To activate any of the internet Minipacks, customers have to send the SMS activation code to 5000 port, or directly dial the USSD code.
Extra Usage fee is applicable for all volume based internet packages (after the expiry of the allocated volume) at BDT 0.01/10KB till the validity period of the respective data package.
To check balance and validity period, please dial *500*60#. Usage of all internet packages can be checked by dialing *500*61#. To cancel/stop, dial *500*40#
Auto-renewal is applicable for all of the packages. New price and modality will be effective for activations and auto-renewals from 4th September, 2013 onwards.
15% VAT applicable for all packages.
For more information, please check our Internet Packages page

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