:::: ওয়েব ডিজাইন শিখুন ফ্রী ইন্টারনেটে ::::::
যাদের ওয়েব ডিজাইন শিখার আগ্রহ আছে কিন্তু সময় সুযোগের অভাবে শিখতে পারছেন না। তাহলে এই সাইটগুলো নিয়মিত ব্রাউজ করুন।তাছাড়া যারা ডিজাইন করেন তারা ওয়েব ডিজাইনিং এর জগতে টিকে থাকতে হলে সবসময়ই তাদের স্কিল বাড়ানোর প্রতি নজর দিতে হয়। ইন্টারনেটে অনেক সাইট আছে যেখান থেকে আপনি ওয়েব ডিজাইনিং স্কিল বাড়াতে পারবেন। তেমন কিছু ওয়েবসাইটের লিস্ট দেয়া হল, যা আপনার স্কিল বাড়াতে এবং ওয়েব
ডিজাইনিং এর জগতে আপডেটেড থাকতে সাহায্য করবে। তাহলে আসুন... এক নজরে সাইটগুলো দেখে নেওয়া যাক:
See morehttp://css-tricks.com/
মার্কেটপ্লেসে কাজ পাওয়ার ১০ কৌশল
সময়ের জনপ্রিয় পেশা ফ্রিল্যান্স আউটসোর্সিং। স্বাধীনভাবে কাজ করার সুযোগ, যেখানে খুশি, যেভাবে খুশি ইত্যাদি নানা সুবিধার কারণে ক্রমেই এই পেশাতে আগ্রহ বেড়েই চলেছে। অন্যান্য কাজের পাশাপাশি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং করার সুযোগও রয়েছে।প্রাথমিকভাবে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং করতে অনলাইনে কাজের ক্ষেত্র হিসেবে বিবেচিত মার্কেটপ্লেস যেমন ওডেস্ক, ইল্যান্স, ফ্রিল্যান্সার, ৯৯ডিজাইন ইত্যাদি সাইটের দ্বারস্ত হতে হয়। তবে এসব মার্কেটপ্লেসে কাজ পেতে বেশ কিছু কৌশল অবলম্বন করতে হয়। এই কৌশলগুলো মেনে চললে কাজ পাওয়া যেমন সহজ হয়, তেমনিভাবে নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করা যায়।

অনলাইন মার্কেটপ্লেসে সহজে কাজ পাওয়ার তেমনই কিছু কৌশল এখানে জানানো হলো।
১. প্রোফাইল তেরির সময়ই আপনার আগের করা ভালো কিছু কাজের স্যাম্পল জুড়ে দিতে পারেন। এগুলো দেখে বায়ার আপনার কাজের মান সম্পর্কে ধারণা নিতে পারবেন।
২. আবেদন করার আগে অবশ্যই কি কাজ করতে হবে, বায়ার কি চায় সেটি ভালোভাবে দেখে নিবেন। বায়ারের সঙ্গে সাক্ষাতকালে অবশ্যই কাজ সম্পর্কে ভালোভাবে জেনে নিবেন। আপনি কিভাবে কাজটি সম্পন্ন করবেন সেটি জানাবেন ও একই ধরণের কাজ আগে করে থাকলে সেটি দেখাবেন।
৩. সবসময়ই কম মূল্যে আবেদন করলে কাজ পাবেন এমনটি নয়! কাজের ধরণ ও আপনার কাজের মান অনুযায়ী আবেদন করবেন। তবে প্রাথমিকভাবে কাজ পেতে উচ্চ রেটে আবেদন না করাই ভালো।
৪. বায়ারের আগের কাজগুলো দেখুন। তাহলে সেখান থেকে কাজের মূল্য সম্পর্কে একটা ধারণা পাবেন। ফিক্সড রেটের কাজ হলেতো সেটা জানার প্রয়োজন নেই।
৫. যেসব বায়ারের পেমেন্ট মেথড ভেরিফায়েড না সেসব বায়ারের কাজে আবেদন করবেন না। কারণ, কোনো কনট্রাক্টরকে ভাড়া বা হায়ার করতে হলে তার পেমেন্ট মেথড ভেরিফায়েড থাকতে হয়। পেমেন্ট মেথড ভেরিফায়েড না থাকা বায়ারের কাজ করলে প্রতারিত হতে পারেন।
৬. ঘন্টাভিত্তিক কাজের ক্ষেত্রে আপনি কখনোই আপনার নির্ধারিত রেটের নিচের রেট বলবেন না। তাহলে পরবর্তীতে বেশি রেটে কাজ পেতে অসুবিধা হতে পারে।
৭. জব পাবলিশ হওয়ার পর যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব আবেদন করা ভালো। এতে বায়ারের নজরে পড়ার সম্ভাবনা বেশি থাকে।
৮. যত বেশি সময় সম্ভব অনলাইনে থাকার চেষ্টা করবেন। কারণ মার্কেটপ্লেসে কিছু কিছু কাজ কম সময়ের মধ্যে করার জন্য অনেকেই জব পোস্ট করে। তাই অনলাইনে থাকলে এগুলো আপনি ধরতে পারেন। এছাড়া আপনার আবেদন করা কাজের বায়ার কোনো মেসেজ দিলে কিংবা আপনার সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করার চেষ্টা করলে আপনি দ্রুত তার উত্তর দিতে পারবেন।
৯. যেসব কাজে ফ্রিল্যান্সার/কনট্রাক্টরের সাক্ষাতকার নেওয়া হয়েছে সেগুলোতে আবেদন না করাই ভালো। কারণ আপনার আবেদন করার আগেই যদি বায়ার কাঙ্খিত কনট্রাক্টর পেয়ে যান, তাহলে আপনার আবেদন চেক করবে না।
১০. কোনো কাজ ভালোভাবে না পারলে কিংবা না বুঝে আবেদন করবেন না। এতে আপনার পরবর্তীতে ভোগান্তি হবে ও খারাপ ফিডব্যাক পেতে পারেন।
এসইও নিয়ে কাজ করছেন কিংবা শিখছেন!
দেখে নিন, আপ টু ডেট থাকতে যেই ওয়েবসাইট গুলো নিয়মিত ভিজিট করবেন।
বাংলাদেশে ফ্রিল্যান্স মার্কেটেপ্লেসে যারা কাজ করেন তাঁদের প্রায় অনেকাংশই সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন বা এসইও নিয়ে কাজ করেন। এছাড়াও ইদানিং অনেকেই তাঁদের নিজস্ব ওয়েব সাইট বা ব্লগের এসইও করা নিয়ে ভাবছেন। সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন হচ্ছে নিত্য পরিবর্তনশীল প্রক্রিয়া। প্রতি নিয়তই সার্চ ইঞ্জিন গুলো ইউজারকে ব্যাটার সার্চ রেজাল্ট দিতে এবং ম্যানুপুলেট করে সার্চের উপরের দিকে উঠে এসছে তাদের সায়ে...স্তা করতে নিয়মিত অ্যালগোরিদমে পরিবর্তন আনছে।
তাই এসইও নিয়ে যারা কাজ করে তাদেরকে নিয়মিত আপ টু ডেট থাকার প্রয়োজন হয়, তা না হলে পিছিয়ে পড়তে হবে রেস থেকে। আজ আমরা আমাদের এই পেজের মাধ্যমে ২৭ টি এসইও বিষয়ক ওয়েবসাইট শেয়ার করবো যেখান থেকে আপনারা এসইও’র আপডেট তথ্য পাবেন। আসুন তবে দেখে নেই ওয়েব সাইট গুলো...
1. http://searchengineland.com/
2. http://searchenginewatch.com/
3. http://www.seomoz.org/blog
4. http://www.seobook.com/
5. http://www.toprankblog.com/
6. http://www.seroundtable.com/
7. http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/
8. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/
9. http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/
10. http://www.seobythesea.com/
11. http://www.blogstorm.co.uk/
12. http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/
13. http://www.searchenginejournal.com/
14. http://www.portent.com/blog/
15. http://www.seobythesea.com/
16. http://www.davidnaylor.co.uk/
17. http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/
18. http://www.highervisibility.com/blog/
19. http://www.searchengineoptimizationjournal.com/
20. http://blog.traffick.com/
21. http://www.ninebyblue.com/
22. http://www.stonetemple.com/
23. http://www.seowizz.net/
24. http://www.pronetadvertising.com/
25. http://www.seochat.com/
26. http://www.searchengineguide.com/
27. http://www.seoblackhat.com/
আশা করি নিয়মিত ভিজিট করবেন সাইট গুলোতে।
1. http://searchengineland.com/
2. http://searchenginewatch.com/
3. http://www.seomoz.org/blog
4. http://www.seobook.com/
5. http://www.toprankblog.com/
6. http://www.seroundtable.com/
7. http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/
8. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/
9. http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/
10. http://www.seobythesea.com/
11. http://www.blogstorm.co.uk/
12. http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/
13. http://www.searchenginejournal.com/
14. http://www.portent.com/blog/
15. http://www.seobythesea.com/
16. http://www.davidnaylor.co.uk/
17. http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/
18. http://www.highervisibility.com/blog/
19. http://www.searchengineoptimizationjournal.com/
20. http://blog.traffick.com/
21. http://www.ninebyblue.com/
22. http://www.stonetemple.com/
23. http://www.seowizz.net/
24. http://www.pronetadvertising.com/
25. http://www.seochat.com/
26. http://www.searchengineguide.com/
27. http://www.seoblackhat.com/
আশা করি নিয়মিত ভিজিট করবেন সাইট গুলোতে।
oDesk English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)
oDesk English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)
GIVE TEST VIA OPERA BROWSER (If you don't have, download this from here) NOW
1. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Reminiscience
b. Reminiscence
c. Reminescrence
d. Reminisense
2. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The judge granted the reluctant witness complete _____ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
a. amnesty
b. amnasty
c. anmesty
d. emnesty
3. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Dexterity
b. Desicate
c. Dyeing
d. desecrate
4. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Fluorescent
b. Fullfil
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious
5. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Priveledge
b. Privilage
c. Privilege
d. Privelege
6. Identity the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Develop
b. Desciple
c. Dilemma
d. Discipline
7. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The savvy dancer acted as a _______ between the detective and the cabaret owner.
a. liasion
b. liaison
c. liasone
d. leason
8. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Yacht
b. Youthful
c. Yeilding
d. Yesterday
9. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The annual _______ was ruined when a family of bears stole all the hotdogs.
a. barbecue
b. barbequeue
c. barbycue
d. barbcue
10. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Temperamental
b. Tempermental
c. Temperamentle
d. Temparamental
11. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The waitress brought me a plate of squid even though I _______ asked for clams.
a. specificaly
b. specifically
c. specifycally
d. specificly
12. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Helen was surprised by the _______ stature of her blind date.
a. diminutive
b. diminuative
c. deminutive
d. dimminutive
13. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Arthur spent hours admiring the gothic _______ of all those French cathedrals.
a. architecture
b. arkhitecture
c. arcitecture
d. arckitecture
14. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Manoeuvar
b. Manouver
c. Maneuver
d. Manuver
15. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. Address
16. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Wierd
b. Wired
c. Whined
d. Willful
17. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Mrs. Baker took her _______ class on a field trip to the zoo.
a. kindergarden
b. kindegarten
c. kindergarten
d. kindegarden
18. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Peter always makes such a _______ of himself!
a. nuisance
b. nuisents
c. newsanse
d. nuisince
19. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Neccesary
b. Necessary
c. Neccessary
d. Necesary
20. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Hazel Dormouse is a _______ creature.
a. nocternal
b. nocturnal
c. noctarnal
d. nacturnal
21. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The protesters hurled _______ insults at us as we walked by.
a. vicous
b. vicious
c. vicoius
d. vicius
22. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Referense
b. Refrence
c. Reference
d. Referance
23. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He _______ a summer house, an exercise bike, and a hamster in the divorce settlement.
a. accquired
b. ecquired
c. acquired
d. akquired
24. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Definitly
b. Definately
c. Defenitely
d. Definitely
25. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Carribean
b. Caribbean
c. Carribbean
d. Carebeen
26. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______ of our dog.
a. existence
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse
27. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Sophomore
b. Supersede
c. Susceptable
d. Spontaneous
28. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Indivisible
b. Irresistable
c. Indispensable
d. Irresponsible
29. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Goverment
b. Governmant
c. Government
d. Govermant
30. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The professor made it clear that _______ would not be tolerated.
a. plagiarism
b. plagiarizm
c. plagerism
d. plagirism
31. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Restaureter
b. Restaurater
c. Restaurateur
d. Restourateur
32. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit
33. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Unanimus
b. Unanemous
c. Unanimess
d. Unanimous
34. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vacuum
b. Vaccuum
c. Vacumm
d. Vaccum
35. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Parallel
b. Prevalent
c. Prejudice
d. Perserverance
36. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Mischeivous
b. Misanthrope
c. Mussel
d. Malicious
37. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He wrote __________ on every topic from shoestrings to string theory.
a. prollifically
b. prolificaly
c. prollificaly
d. prolifically
38. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Persue
b. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue
39. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Be sure to leave your travel _________ with the secretary so he'll know how to reach you while you're away.
a. itenreray
b. itinerary
c. iteneray
d. itinirary
40. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Let me tie your mittens to your sleeves so you don't _________ them.
a. loose
b. looze
c. lose
d. louse
2nd Collection
Item No: 1 of 40 Time Remaining: 0:40:00
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Carribean
b. ..Caribbean
c. Carribbean
d. Caribeen
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Neccesary
b. ,,,Necessary
c. Neccessary
d. Necesary
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Many would-be travelers were _____________ by the price of gas last summer.
a. flabergasted
b. flabberghasted
c. ....flabbergasted
d. flabbergashted
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. ....Accomodate
b. Analyze
c. Acknowledgment
d. Asterisk
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Dexterity
b. Desicate
c. ;;Dyeing
d. Desecrate
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Hazel Dormouse is a _________ creature.
a. nocternal
b. ..nocturnal
c. noctarnal
d. nacturnal
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Occasion
b. Occurrence
c. Orangutan
d. ...Opponant
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Excesive
b. Exccesive
c. ..Excessive
d. Exceesive
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
a. ,,amnesty
b. amnasty
c. anmesty
d. emnesty
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Cachet
b. Connoisseur
c. ..Charateristic
d. Catastrophe
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Pageant
b. Poignant
c. ..Plummage
d. Priggish
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He __________ a summer house, an exercise bike, and a hamster in the divorce settlement.
a. accquired
b. ecquired
c. ..acquired
d. akquired
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Arthur spent hours admiring the gothic ____________of all those French cathedrals.
a. ,,,architecture
b. arkhitecture
c. arcitecture
d. arckitecture
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The crowd ________________ me on my acceptance into Mensa.
a. congradulated
b. congrachulated
c. ;;;congratulated
d. congratilated
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Bureaucrasy
b. Buroucracy
c. ;;Bureaucracy
d. Beuraucracy
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Unanimus
b. Unanemous
c. Unanimess
d. ;;;Unanimous
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The clown’s performance was _______________, to say the least.
a. dissapointing
b. dissappointing
c. disapointing
d. ;;disappointing
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Fluorescent
b. ;;Fullfil
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Yacht
b. Youthful
c. ;;;Yeilding
d. Yesterday
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Enhancement
b. Elicit
c. ;;;Enegma
d. Ecstasy
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. ;;Synonymous
b. Synonymus
c. Synonimous
d. Sinonymus
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Emma has always been fascinated by the way the mind works, so she’s decided to get a degree in __________.
a. pshycology
b. psycology
c. psyhcology
d. ;;;psychology
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The church members accused the cult of _______________ practices.
a. sacreligious
b. sacrelegious
c. ;;sacrilegious
d. sacrilgious
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Sam _________ a successful political campaign.
a. orchestraited
b. orchestrated
c. ''orchestreated
d. orcestrated
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He wrote __________on every topic from shoestrings to string theory.
a. prollifically
b. prolificaly
c. prollificaly
d. ''prolifically
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Develop
b. ''Desciple
c. Dilemma
d. Discipline
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
My father does not believe in ____________ , but my mother does.
a. reincanation
b. reincarenation
c. ;;reincarnation
d. reincantation
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Mrs. Baker took her ______________ class on a field trip to the zoo.
a. kindergarden
b. kindegarten
c. ;;kindergarten
d. kindegarden
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. ;;Address
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. ;;Councelor
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticize
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vengeance
b. Vengance
c. Vengents
d. Vengence
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The professor made it clear that ___________ would not be tolerated.
a. plagiarism
b. plagiarizm
c. plagerism
d. plagirism
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vacuum
b. Vaccuum
c. Vacumm
d. Vaccum
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Persue
b. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The waitress brought me a plate of squid even though I _____________ asked for clams.
a. specificaly
b. specifically
c. specifycally
d. specificly
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Let me tie your mittens to your sleeves so you don't ______________ them.
a. loose
b. looze
c. lose
d. louse
oDesk English Spelling Test (U.S. Version
oDesk MS Word 2007 Test Answers
Odesk Ms Word 2007 Test for All Job Bidders
Especially Data Entry, Article Writer.
1. Which among the
following methods would you select when you want to add protection to parts of
a template?
Ans: Go to the Developer tab, click on Properties in the
Controls group and then click any of the Locking options in the Content Control
Properties dialog box.
2. Which of the following is/are true
about phishing?
Ans: All if the above
3. This question is based upon the figure
shown below
In some cases, when lists are combined into
one "List," the formatting is not updated. Refer to the picture given
above. Which among the following options should be used to update this
Ans: D
4. Which among the following charts do not
have axes?
Ans: Doughnut charts
5. Microsoft named two styles that work in
Word 2007 as both character and paragraph types as being ______ styles:
Ans: Linked
6. This question is based upon the figure
shown below
Ans: It ensures that the
text is not obscured by binding.
7. With the help of which view will the
Watermark not be seen?
Ans: Web Layout view
8. This question is based upon the figure shown
How will the Message Bar alerts be enabled as
shown in the given picture?
Ans: Select Word Options from the Microsoft Office Button.
Click on Trust Center, then click Trust Center
Settings, and then click Message Bar.
9. Which among the following is not a Bookmark
option to sort the list of bookmarks in the document?
Ans: Author
10. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Why is the "Different First
Page" option used in the Page Setup dialog box as shown in the given
Ans: This option allows you to remove the Page Number from the
first page.
11. State whether true or false:
Once a bullet is removed from the "Bullet Library" and it is no longer available in the "Document Bullets" area, the bullet cannot be added back to the Bullet Library.
Once a bullet is removed from the "Bullet Library" and it is no longer available in the "Document Bullets" area, the bullet cannot be added back to the Bullet Library.
Ans: False
12. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Which of the following types of charts are not
supported by either Lines or Bars, as shown in the picture?
Ans: Area charts
13. Which among the following features
could be used to create a connection to a Shared Network folder?
Ans: Map Network Drive
14. Edit tracking changes are typically
formatted in the following manner: (1) deletions—red strikethroughs, (2)
additions—green and underlined, and (3) formatting changes are made bold in
almost any other desired color. Where in Word 2007 could you set your own
custom formatting options for tracking changes?
Ans: Select the Review ribbon and then select the triangle by
Track Changes. In the drop-down menu, select "Change Tracking
Options" and then set your formatting options in the Track Changes Options
dialog box.
15. How will you insert text boxes for a printed form?
Ans: Select the Insert tab, in the Text group, click on Text
Box and then select Draw Text
16. To enter a symbol or special character
into your document (to where the cursor is located), which of the following
methods could you employ in Word 2007?
Ans: Open the Insert ribbon. Click Symbol in the Symbols group.
A menu will appear with a small selection of symbols. If you don't see the
symbol or character you'd like to insert, click More Symbols. Choose the
special character (or symbol) that you want and then click Insert and click
17. You are editing a figure using the Drawing Tools > Format options. Which among the
following Shape Fill options in the Shape Styles group adds a solid color and transparency to a shape?
Ans: More Fill Colors...
18. State whether true or false:
When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.
When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.
Ans: True
19. Which among the following options is
the reason of text deletion at the insertion point when you type a document?
Ans: The "overtype mode" is turned on in Word
20. What is meant by Enhanced ScreenTips?
Ans: Enhanced ScreenTips are larger windows that display
more descriptive text than a ScreenTip and can have a link to a Help topic.
21. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Refer to the given picture. Which of the
following Line Numbers should be used when each page has to begin with the
number 1?
Ans: Restart Each Page
22. Which keyboard shortcut could be used
to switch to Draft View?
23. State whether true or false:
The "Add Assistant" shape option in a SmartArt graphic is available only if an organization chart layout is chosen.
The "Add Assistant" shape option in a SmartArt graphic is available only if an organization chart layout is chosen.
Ans: True
24. Which view(s) could be used to view the
Equation placeholders in the Document Views group?
Ans: All of the above
25. State whether true or false:
Any changes that are saved to "Normal.dotm" will be applied to the documents that you create in the future.
Any changes that are saved to "Normal.dotm" will be applied to the documents that you create in the future.
Ans: True
26. State whether true or false:
Changing the Author property in the Document Information Panel of an existing document has no effect on the User name setting in the Word Options dialog box.
Changing the Author property in the Document Information Panel of an existing document has no effect on the User name setting in the Word Options dialog box.
Ans: True
27. How will you set the default font so
that every time you open Microsoft Word it will use the settings that you had
Ans: Select the Home tab, and then click the Font Dialog Box
Launcher. Select the font style and size. Click on Default... and then click
28. Which of the following line-spacing
options sets fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust?
Ans: Doubled
29. How will you change the author name in an existing document?
Ans: All of the above
30. State whether true or false:
Microsoft Office programs store some additional information within the digital signature automatically that might not be visible in the current view document.
Microsoft Office programs store some additional information within the digital signature automatically that might not be visible in the current view document.
Ans: True
31. Which among the following options
could be used to turn off the Office Clipboard?
Ans: All of the above
32. What does the command
"Winword.exe /f MyDocument.docx" mean?
Ans: This command instructs Word to start and immediately open
a file named MyDocument.docx.
33. Which among the following is an invalid
character to include in a file name?
Ans: All of the above
34. State whether true or false:
Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.
Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.
Ans: True
35. Which keyboard shortcut inserts a
36. Which among the following wildcards
should be used to select any single character?
Ans: ?
37. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Refer to the given image. Which option
should be selected to convert a professionally formatted equation into an
equation on one line?
Ans: C
38. Which of the following is not a
Content Control?
Ans: Chart
39. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Ans: Numbering
40. Which among the following is a correct way
to make your file "Read-only?"
Ans: Click "Save As" from the Microsoft Office
Button. Click on Tools and then click General Options. Select the Read-only
recommended check box. Click OK. Click on Save.
41. Which among the following
options should be used to start a bulleted list automatically?
Ans: Type * (asterisk) and then press spacebar or the Tab key.
Which of the following can be the reason for
the appearance of the red X, as shown in the picture?
Ans: All of the above
43. State whether true or false:
ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts.
ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts.
Ans: True
44. State whether true or false:
New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.
New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.
Ans: False
45. Which among the following options
should be used to number the cells in a table?
Ans: Select the table cells that need to be numbered. On the
Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on Numbering.
46. Which of the following options repeats a
table heading on subsequent pages?
Ans: Repeat Header Rows
47. Which keyboard shortcut could be used
to check the spelling of a text file?
Ans: F7
48. Which among the following is not true
regarding the use of a pie chart?
Ans: A pie chart should be used when there are more than seven
49. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Refer to
the given picture. Which of the following options turns off Enhanced ScreenTips
but keeps the ScreenTips still visible?
Ans: B
50. Unlike the other types of styles
(paragraph, character, linked, and table), predefined list styles are available
when you first create a document in Word 2007.
Ans: False
51. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
What is the maximum number of columns that can
be created in the Columns dialog box as shown in the picture?
Ans: 13
52. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
Refer to the given image. In
Picture1, axes appear on the left side. Which setting should you use to make
them appear on the right side, as shown in Picture2?
Ans: Select the Axis Options tab in the Format Axis dialog box.
Set the Axis labels: field to High.
53. Which of the following two
paragraphs is/are true for Word 2007?
(1)To show or hide formatting marks in your editing markup — on the Home ribbon, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button.
(2) The Show/Hide button will not hide all the formatting marks in the document if you selected those marks that are to be displayed at all times (such as paragraph marks, tab characters, hidden text, optional hyphens, object anchors, or spaces). To turn off any or all of these selected formatting marks, follow this procedure: Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Word Options. Then Click Display. Under "Always show these formatting marks on the screen," clear the check boxes for any formatting marks that you do not want to show at all times in your documents.
(1)To show or hide formatting marks in your editing markup — on the Home ribbon, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button.
(2) The Show/Hide button will not hide all the formatting marks in the document if you selected those marks that are to be displayed at all times (such as paragraph marks, tab characters, hidden text, optional hyphens, object anchors, or spaces). To turn off any or all of these selected formatting marks, follow this procedure: Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Word Options. Then Click Display. Under "Always show these formatting marks on the screen," clear the check boxes for any formatting marks that you do not want to show at all times in your documents.
Ans: Both (1) and (2)
54. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
In the given picture, the
"Washout" option has been selected. What purpose does it serve?
Ans: It lightens the picture so that it does not interfere with
the text.
55. The default installation of Word 2007
includes several built-in character styles. Which of the following is NOT one
of the default, built-in character styles:
Ans: Special Emphasis
56. What steps should be followed to replace a
shape with other shape?
Ans: Select the shape to be changed. Select the Format tab; use
the "Change Shape" button in the Shape Styles group.
57. Just as in Word 2003 or prior Word
versions, the default standard view for Word 2007 is the Draft view (and is
still also called the Normal view in
Word 2007):
Ans: False
58. This question is based upon the
figure shown below
What is the purpose of the
"Demote" button as shown in the diagram?
Ans: It increases the level of a selected bullet or a shape.
59. Which feature(s) should be selected
in order to find and remove hidden data and personal information in Office
Ans: Document Inspector
60. Which keyboard shortcut is used to make
the text size smaller?
61. Which among the following options
will you use to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar?
Ans: All of the above
62. Which option(s) should you select to
remove a chart or axis title from a chart?
Ans: To remove an axis title, select the Layout tab. In the
Labels group, click on Axis Titles, click the type of axis title, and then
click None.
63. Which among the following macro
settings is meant for developers only?
Ans: Trust access to the VBA project object model.
64. State whether true or false:
A building block can be added to as many
galleries as you want.
Ans: True
65. Which of the following is/are true
about phishing?
Ans: It is an online fraud technique used by criminals to lure
users into disclosing their personal in
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Today you are joining a community of more than 1.5 million
contractors worldwide. Together we are building the world's best remote
workforce and we count on YOU to strengthen this community.
Welcome to the future of work. Your username is: monirhossain74 You can log into your account at https://www.odesk.com/ If you forget your password, you can look it up at: https://www.odesk.com/reset/ Over the next four days, you will receive daily emails from oDesk, outlining specific steps on how to succeed on the oDesk platform. First, our most important piece of advice: Don't start applying to jobs right away! For the first few days, focus on understanding how oDesk works and perfecting your profile. Contractors whose profiles are 100% complete are seven times more likely to get hired than those with only partially completed profiles. Here are some immediate steps:
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Dear Monir, |
Today, we will work on building your
oDesk profile. Your profile is how you present yourself to the oDesk community and to potential clients.
Creating a top-quality profile is a lot of work. We know. Take a minute to enjoy how your Profile Completion bar is growing with every section you complete. Tomorrow we will look at how to identify the jobs that best suit your background and profile. |
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Dear Monir, |
Today we focus on cover letters. What are they? And why should you care?
The cover letter is a brief introduction that accompanies your job application. It's your chance to express your interest in the job and explain why you are the right person to hire. Clients tell us that the cover letter plays a big role in their hiring decisions. Here is how a client sees your job application. Notice how job candidates (you!) are listed. When the client hovers over your name and job application, he can see the first paragraph of your cover letter for his particular job, without leaving the list of candidates. Make sure that those first few lines capture his attention and demonstrate your enthusiasm and excellent fit for his job. What your cover letter should do:
Cover letter basics:
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Dear Monir, |
Today we'll focus on finding the right jobs for you.
Go to the jobs search page and search for jobs that call for your particular skills. For example, if you're a Java developer, you might search for "Java" or "J2EE." As you look at the different job postings, ask yourself:
Once you've found those jobs that do fit your talents and qualifications, take a moment to evaluate the client.
You can't control who will hire you and when, but by maximizing your profile and carefully selecting the jobs you seek, you take charge of the things that are in your control. Success is not an accident, especially as you're first establishing yourself on oDesk. Tomorrow we'll talk about cover letters, and how you can write a great one. |
The oDesk Team
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Dear Monir, |
Today's topic is how to successfully seek work: picking the
right jobs and presenting yourself as the right candidate on every job
You have a job application quota, so put your efforts into the jobs that best suit your skills. As we've discussed, make sure you not only can do the job, but that your profile and cover letter strongly communicate that to the client. When a client asks for more information, or invites you to interview, respond promptly - clients respect contractors who show an active interest the job that they have posted. Look for a good match between yourself, the work and the client. Seek out clients with good feedback, whose job postings clearly communicate what they need. One more thing to consider: Is the job hourly or fixed-price? Hourly work contributes more to your work history and shows future clients that you have established a track record on oDesk. Additionally, only hourly work is covered by the oDesk Guarantee. However, fixed-price jobs are often easier to get as a new contractor. You might start with fixed-price jobs, but you should look to the greater potential of hourly work as soon as you've developed some work history on oDesk. We have now completed our "Getting Started" series. All the tips and resources we have shared in these emails are available as in oDesk QuickStart Guide for you to review any time. |
The oDesk Team
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